Let me guess...
And when you come home from a long day of work, the last thing you want to do is sit at your computer and pull out a worksheet and do financial homework.
You have all the right intentions, and damn it--you want to learn all of this stuff. But when you do have free time, Netflix normally beats out the financial masterclass and you want to spend time with your partner, friends, or kids after missing them all day.
You want to work on your relationship with spending, but it is hard to actually implement it.
Not. Any. More.
Meet your new BFF: Hot Girl Finance: Season 2, Hot Girl Spending.
Designed specifically for you to listen to on your morning Hot Girl Walk, so you can get wealthier at the same time you're getting healthier too.
Not a big walker? Take Hot Girl Finance on your commute to work, to the gym, or pop on your headphones while you are throwing in some laundry.
Hot Girl Finance is there to accompany you during your busy schedule.
Is this you?
- You constantly feel guilty when online shopping because that's money that could have gone to a different goal.
- You keep telling yourself you want to focus on finances this year, but can't find the time to commit to sitting down and going through a longer program.
- You often find yourself overspending and thinking "ugh I need to do better," but the cycle continues.
- You find yourself feeling the need to justify every non-necessity spending or downplay how much you actually spent on something.
- You constantly feel uninspired by your closet, looking at it and feeling like it's overcrowded and you still have nothing to wear and want to shop.
- You love a lil series or routine to jump into to re-inspire you to work toward your goals.
If you resonate with this...this is for you, bestie.
Chloe is the CEO & Founder of Deeper Than Money®, a global financial literacy company dedicated to empowering and educating when it comes to money.
Chloe watched as her own life transformed after paying off $36,000 of debt in 18 months and becoming debt free at 22 years old. Seeing the life-long impact that getting her finances together would have, she decided she had to go and show others how to experience that same type of freedom.
Chloe went on to save and invest over $450,000 by 25 years old, buy her dream lake house, and hit her goal of becoming a millionaire by the time she turned 28. Now, she shows other women in their 20s and 30s how to build real wealth, without giving up the things they love.
The Hot Girl Checklist
The List
- Headphones
- Water, coffee, or your drink of choice
- Sunglasses
- Puppy & leash
- Your fav walking shoes
- Phone with Hot Girl Finance downloaded & ready to rock
the Hot Girls have spoken.... and HGF is a crowd favorite.
Every day, we get a new DMs from people who are listening to or have finished Hot Girl Finance...telling us how much they are OBSESSED with it! So grab lace up your sneakers, pop those ear buds in and trust us, you don't want to miss out.
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